Fredclarkeara After Dark 'Gothic Prom'
I was first introduced to this beauty by Mr Allen Black over at The Orchid Source Allen had posted a photo of his blooming specimen in a discussion forum and I fell in love. Allen was kind enough to send me some high res pictures so I could create the painting. Check out more of Allen's orchid Photography at: Allen Black Photography
Below is an excerpt from an article over at fellow blogger: Ecelectic Epihytes and Electrophoretic Epigrams
Fredclarkeara is an artificial genus, a hybrid encompassing the natural genera Catasetum, Mormodes and Clowesia. Many species in the Catasetinae group have very dark flowers, but none match the jet-black, inky blossoms of Fredclarkeara After Dark, a grex created by the skillful hybridization of Mormodia Painted Desert and Catasetum Donna Wise. Four selected cultivars of the majestic F. After Dark have received First Class Certificates, the highest award bestowed by the American Orchid Society.
Painting Details:
Fredclarkeara After Dark 'Gothic Prom'
Watercolor on paper, 2010
30" x 22"