Last week I had the amazing pleasure to visit the OUTSTANDING
Virgina Robinson Estate and Gardens located in the fabulous city of Beverly Hills, CA .

THE POOL HOUSE has a Billiard and Card Room.

View from the pool house to the home. GORG!
I took the tour of the estate with my friend David. We had a smashing time walking the gardens and home .We got a special treat to be shown around by the Managing Director, Timothy Lindsay who filled in for a regular docent who was MIA. I think there was a sale at Cartier.

The Singing Staircase. It sings as the water trickles down the center trough. Magical Sounds

-Highly recommended to any one who enjoys Gardens, Beaux Arts California Architecture and History. Such Fun! The Estate holds grand parties and offers a variety of programs including Botanical Illustration Instruction (I'm there), Benefits and Exhibitions for Floral Designers and Fancy Hat Garden Galas. TOO MUCH! Its hard to imagine but this estate was grown from rough California terrain when goats, cows and scrub typical of Southern California landscape was all that would become the luxury which is now Beverly Hills.

Mr. Lindsay discusses one of the two Rose Gardens. One for cutting flowers and one for show.

Mary Pickford ate here


Library with over 3000 rare books

Built in 1911, the Robinson Estate was one of the first homes in Beverly Hills. Its owner Virgina Robinson (of Robinsons- May department store fame), was known as “The First Lady of Beverly Hills” She transformed her hilly, six acre estate into a lushly landscaped, tropical oasis. Her regular bridge games at the estate attracted Fred Astaie, Charles Boyer and Maurice Chevalier. She was also known for her grand parties which were attended dignitary such as Ronald Reagan. When she died in 1977 (at age 99) she was busy planning her 100th birthday party! She willed her manor to the Los Angeles County for the public’s enjoyment. It is now listed on the National Register of Historic places.
Opened to the public in 1982, this estateis not only known for being one of the first homes in Beverly Hills, but alson for its six sloping acres of veritable lush gardens featuring exotic tropical and subtropical specimens. A delight to visit any time of the year because there is always something in bloom.
Terraced patio gardens connected by brick paths with fountains and ponds help create a stunning private garden world.
1008 Elden Way
Beverly Hills, CA
Available for tour by appointment only.
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